A community car scheme for Tuxford and the surrounding villages within Bassetlaw & parts of Newark & Sherwood.
Dial a Trip Ltd is a social & community car scheme run and administered by volunteers. Its aim is to provide transport for anyone who cannot access public or other transport.

In order to become a user simply fill out a registration form and return it to Dial a Trip Ltd, The Orchard, Beckland Hill, East Markham, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG22 0QP , together with the annual fee (the price will be given on application). Then you are free to use the Dial a Trip service.
To book a trip you must contact the Dial a Trip office on 01777 948384 Monday to Friday 9.30 – 12.30. The administrator will take details of your trip.
We have an answer phone when the phones are unmanned. Please leave a message, giving the details of your trip, name, telephone number and date and time of appointment.. This is checked regularly.
- we do require at least 36-48 working hours notice.
- if we are unable to locate a driver we will ring and let you know, such occurrences are rare but they do happen.
- you may not get the same driver every time.
Our drivers will pick up from your home and drop off as close to your destination as humanly possible. They will wait for usually no more than an hour while you attend your appointment or event, if however your appointment is likely to be longer than an hour this should be stated at the time of booking.
Our volunteer drivers take people to:
- medical appointments
- day time social events
- hospital appointments
- visits
- we also deliver prescriptions for Tuxford doctors.
Our drivers are volunteers using their own cars. The mileage is from the drivers’ home and return charged at 45p per mile. The driver will issue a receipt on payment by the client. We can also offer a monthly invoice to those who have regular trips,
Prices are charged per journey not per person if there is more than one person in the car (excluding the driver) the price will be shared.
The scheme is administered by Dial a Trip Ltd. We are all volunteers and volunteer drivers. We do not work evenings, weekends or bank holidays.